Friday, July 24, 2009

Game with your Brain

Neural Impulse Actuator (NIA) by OCZ Technology:

A new movement in gaming has been established by OCZ Technology. Now.. this is old news to me, but for some of my readers I will assume you may not have seen this yet. So let me tell you a little about it.

The Neural Impulse actuator goes around your head like a headband and it will read you brain activity with three sensors in the front. A box converts that to something the computer can read and the software that comes with the program learns what your wanting it to do. For example, I want to program it to go left when i think left, so you set that option and start thinking what you would think when you want your character to go left, and it records a loop. So In game when you think this, that is what will happen. From what I've heard it does take some practice, and it's a bit weird at first, but what new technology isn't? I for one welcome this new tool in gaming. The applications are endless, you can beat out your enemy in Call of Duty 4 with your mind. Haven't you always wanted to kill your enemies and friends with your mind? Well now you can. You can get your OCZ NIA at Amazon for about $130.

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-Justin K.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jamaican Fire Dance

I went to Jamaica recently and was lucky enough to see a fire dancer, he came to resort to put on a show! It is a long video, but it's worth it. =) So sit back and watch some FIRE! And don't forget to rate it, comment it, and if you haven't subscribed to me yet, please do so at this time, then next time I release a video i won't have to send you a message!

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-Justin K.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Google What Can't You Do?

Google is the most amazing thing since sliced ram, until Android becomes the new standard, I was counting up the things I use through Google and I realized almost half the stuff I do online is through Google! If you really look through the services they provide they have some interesting stuff, like the Patent viewer, being able to search and look through all the patents ever made and then digitized. It's fun to go through and look at some of the weird stuff that will never be mass produced.

And if I ever try to use another search engine it just feels gross and unstable compared to using Google's simple interface.

If any of you out there are web developers, I highly suggest using Google analytics, it's one of the most useful tools I've found on google so far. And if you want to see their newest stuff you really need to do some reading on the new Android stuff they've developed.

Well that's it for now, post a comment and let me know how google has helped you out or saved you time in your daily routine!

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-Justin K.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Megan shoots a gun for the first time

My brothers wife shooting a handgun for the first time. She wasn't too excited about it, more nervous than anything but she got it done! Good job Megan. Maximus would be proud.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two sticks One Ouch


While I was stationed in Iraq, my buddy Parker came over one day and said "Hey why don't you give me an IV? I have extra ones!" LOL So this is the video of that. It's very raw and uncut. Hope you like it! And please comment and rate. =D

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-Justin K.