Sunday, December 12, 2004

My GOD, Its Full of Stars...

I just wanted to post this beautiful sunset! I took this shot along with many others yesterday evening. It was a race against time to get my camera but I still managed to capture these awesome sunset shots. There are many things that make life worth living and this is one of those things. It just seems impossible that nature accidentally renders this phenomena to us. A mathematician could sit there and argue that there is a mathematical equation that would surely explain why we have beautiful sunsets, but I would probly just tell him to shut up and just appreciate something that needs no explanation.

Enjoy the view.


  1. The sun is moving at the rate of 12521 mph. As it is setting the atmosphere is becoming colder and the colors are a chain reaction that changes the liquid color of the above head air space. You will see this time and time again and yet will never be the same due to the evaporation of the flat earths liquid air supply combined with the fumes from the green house effect that are generated by the subsurface hubachee people from undervers. Do not be alarmed when the sky starts to look even more red than usual. This is just the reflection of the new sun from the turn of the next day. Any questions?

  2. Oh wow 2 comments, one posted at 2:49PM and the other at 3:01PM, Thanks for "BOTH" of the comments SGT. Bernier. If your going to post anonymous, at least change your writing style so that i don't know that its you. LOL nice try though anyways.

  3. Jenn, your not allowed to look at my sunset pictures, avert your eyes. =P

  4. It's a copyrighted sunset, no looking. =P LOL
