Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bruno Movie Review

I am completely stunned by Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie Bruno! Having said that I will say that if you were not able to stomach Borat, you should not go see this movie. Unsure what I would see in this movie I strolled on down to one of the unpopular theatres (to avoid the lines) in town with my family, I had a sandwich at a Harps Deli before I bought my ticket because I hadn't eaten lunch yet. Anyways, the movie starts out instantly shocking the senses with uncomfortable scenes that can only be described as Blatant Homosexuality! AND IT WAS HILARIOUS. Being a videographer myself, i can really appreciate the amount of work that went into developing and escaping these situations he puts himself in. I am intrigued on how uncomfortable some parts of the movie are, it's almost a tangible feeling. There are a couple sequences in Bruno where I wonder "How in the HELL did they get away with that?".

In short If you like Sacha Baron Cohen and the work he does, and if you liked the movie BORAT, yes very nice; then you will and should like Bruno. I recommend this movie to my readers and hope that you come back with lots of interesting comments about the movie. =D

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-Justin K.

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